Hetal Patil

Hetal Patil

September 17

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, anger, hatred, malice and fear - these four enemies must be removed from your mind. First the mind has to be emptied of every such thought. When it is empty then only there will be room in the mind for good thoughts".

September 18

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, when we move away from truth and goodness, we go towards Hell. But when we walk with truth and do good deeds we go towards Heaven. Heaven is where there is no fear, no bad thoughts,where people consider helping each other as their life. But where people are mean, take advantage of each other's goodness, that place is hell".

September 19

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "Remember My child, those who cannot sacrifice for each other, those relations are selfish relations and the family is the one who knows how to rise above its personal interest. Selfishness is poison for relationship and selfessness is the nector of relationship".

September 20

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "Remember My child, no matter how good you are at heart, but if you do not talk politely and decently to others, then no one will want to associate with you".

September 21

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, learn to stand up for yourself. In this lifetime you will find many people who will misunderstand you. You have to stand for your truth. You have to face everyone fearlessly. If you keep running or hiding in fear of people, you will never be able to live peacefully. Remember, there is no greater power than the truth".

September 22

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, worship doesn't mean fasting or fulfilling the rules and regulations quickly out of fear or rushing to worship one God instead of another. We do not see God around us because we do not want to see. But in reality, we don't need to go anywhere to find God. There is God in mother, there is God in father, there is God in children and even in your actions there is God".

September 23

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "Remember My child, you should become like water. Water purifies and cleanses whoever it comes in contact with and you have to imbibe this quality of water"

September 24

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "Remember, when the child's wings come out, the bird teaches it to fly and after that sets it free to live its life. We humans take care our child like a bird, but as soon as its wings come out, we tie it thinking that it might fly away. It's not that the parents don't love their children, but in this the attachment becomes heavy. We forget that we are only the bestower of birth, not the bestower of fortune".

September 25

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "Remember, My child, if you are still, calm then you will be able to see, hear and understand your soul. But anger consumes the call of this soul. That's why control your anger, otherwise this anger born due to stupidity will lead you to the end of repentance".

September 26

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, when problems are beyond our control, we blame the world and wish we had never come here. Just like a farmer goes to barren land and with his hard word converts it into a flourishing field, you should also work hard. Live your life thinking that what is Hell for someone, if you make it a Heaven, then both your life and your world will be blessed".

September 27

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, truth is that which we have believed and belief is that which we have understood to be true. In reality, truth and belief are two sides of the same coin. Where there is no truth, there is no foundation of belief and where there is no belief, truth loses its ground".

September 28

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, just like water is kept in a pot, water that remains pure, remains cool, water that quenches thirst. What will happen if the soil of this pot is not good? The same happens with the mind. If love is water, then its pot is the mind. If there is no soil of faith in the vessel like mind, then love cannot stay in the mind".

September 29

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "My child, sometimes we get scared of those things which we don't need to be scared of. Like mother's anger. Mother's anger is a form of her concern, her love and her affection. That's why you should never hide anything from your mother out of fear. Mother will tell the difference between right and wrong. Even if you do something wrong, she will always bring you on the right path".

September 30

Ask Sai Baba - Sai Baba Answers - "Remember My child, there is nothing wrong in buying things you like. But it is not right to consider yourself superior for what you can buy. There is nothing wrong in earning money but never be proud of it. Because this pride will take you away not only from Me but also from God".